513-885-0440 support@amjo.net

The back problem I have had for 7 years has been cured…

The Curatron machine is just wonderful and amazing. As a therapist who always tries new products on myself to ascertain how it works, before trying it on patients. The back problem I have had for 7 years has been cured with 5 daily sessions of using the machine. I have had on and off pain in my right sacroiliac joint for seven years, which has been more or less constant in the past year and becomes worse with prolonged walking. I did everything I know to do as a physiotherapist and do get pain relief, but not complete elimination of the pain. I used the Curatron every night before going to sleep for 5 days and the pain is completely gone! For the first time in about 2 years I was able to remain on my feet for 2 hours without needing to sit down in between and take a rest because of the pain in my back. This is now my second week of being completely pain free and not needing to take any analgesic for pain and it is not in my head but it is real! It is wonderful. Thank you.

Christine Ezediuno PT
United Kingdom

Curatron 2000 PC and Curatron 2000 3D for PEMF clinical use.

Christine Ezediuno PT
United Kingdom

As a therapist who always tries new products on myself to ascertain how it works, before trying it on patients. The back problem I have had for 7 years has been cured with 5 daily sessions of using the machine. I have had on and off pain in my right sacroiliac joint for seven years